Anti-wrinkle Injections


 Anti-Wrinkle Prices & Packages

Major area: frown, forehead or crow's-feet

1 major area                                                                       $189

2 major areas                                                                     $369

3 major areas                                                                     $529

Moderate area: smoker’s lines or DAO

1 moderate area                                                                $150

Minor area: lip flip or gummy smile or chin

or bunny lines or eyebrow lift

1 minor area                                                                         $100

Bruxism           Masseter Jaw Slimming                             $529

Hyperhidrosis      Underarm sweating                              $729


Charles will work with you to ensure you receive a personalised package and all your areas of concern are addressed.

Book now for a complimentary consult with  Nurse Charles


Dermal Fillers


Dermal fillers are a prescription only substance that is naturally occurring in the skin. Fillers are a gel like material injected under the skin to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles or lines and can also be used to enhance facial contours by adding volume to cheeks, lips, chins, jawlines, temples and to improve the appearance of scars. This can help with deep lines and enhance a youthful appearance.

Due to TGA regulations medication names and units/mls cannot be advertised.

Dermal Filler Prices & Packages

Lips                                                                             from    $399

Chin                                                                            from    $599

Cheeks                                                                       from    $499

Jaw Line                                                                    from      $599

Nasolabial Folds                                                      from    $530

Tear Troughs                                                            from    $530

Marionette Lines                                                     from     $530


Book a complimentary consult if you have other areas of concern.



How long does anti-wrinkle last?

Anti-wrinkle injections typically last for a certain duration before their effects gradually wear off. The duration does vary from person to person, but generally, last between 3 to 6 months.

How long does the appointment take?

Cosmetic nurse Charles will tailor the appointment to suit your needs, typically they range from 30-60 minutes.

Will I bruise?

Bleeding and bruising are potential side effects of any cosmetic injection however Charles ensures that with the correct technique it is minimised. You should not exercise 48 hours after treatment, Charles will work with you to tailor your post treatment plan.

What filler do you use?

Different fillers are utilised in different parts of the body to represent the natural tissues and to provide the appropriate results. Charles will advise you on your options during the consultation.